Bring It 2017: Some Things Change, Some Stay The Same

Bring It 2017: Some Things Change, Some Stay The Same

{Photo by Laura Sumrak}

Bring It 2017: Some Things Change, Some Stay The Same

I’ve always thought of myself as a somewhat organized person. I’m somewhat organized in my home, my finances are somewhat organized, and let’s just say I’m somewhat organized in my schedule. :) Most of the time I’m making forward progress little by little but I don’t want to just survive my life. I want to be the ruler of my life so that I can make the best of the time I have.

Efficient, capable, slow, easy, intentional, passionate. Just a few of the vocabulary words that I want to be in my spellcheck every week (that’s an elementary school homework joke in case you were wondering! Okay, I know it’s not that funny…lol). 2016 was an okay year, there were definitely ups and downs. But I am aware enough to know that the down parts came primarily from overworking and not taking time to decompress and enjoy the things that matter enough: friends, family, home. I let life stress me out sometimes and I can always point it back to being over worked and over scheduled.

I’m not making resolutions or setting any major person goals this year. All I’m saying is 2017 is going to be different. It has to be different. I’m going to rule our little world so it doesn’t rule us. So that I can be balanced and happy and my family can reap the benefits.

There I said it. That’s no big deal right?!?! :) At least there’s something freeing about not making any big bucket lists or timelines. I’m also happy to say that I’m not having to start a fitness/diet routine this year, like every other year before. I’m actually into my fourth month of CrossFit and I can’t wait to share some of that journey with you soon. My eating did get a little out of control over the holidays (am I right?!?!) but I’m already back on track and feeling much better.

Bring It 2017: Some Things Change, Some Stay The Same-berries

{Photo by Paige Winn Photo}

So are you asking what all this rambling means for the blog?

Here is the biggest change that you’ll see around here:

I’m actually going to be posting LESS here. Now hold on for a minute, here me out. I always thought that posting MORE was most important so that I was still relevant and keeping up with trends, for pageviews, and even sponsored content. Although I know quality is better than quantity, the thought that Simple Stylings might be forgotten in this fast-paced Internet-based world was a little scary and overwhelming. But I’ve let go of my fears and it’s time to change.

I love writing this blog and I NEVER want to dread posting or for it to become a burden. The minute that happens it’ll be time to shut the door and I would be devastated. In order to avoid that kind of mayhem I’ve come up with a plan that I feel REALLY great about and I think is the answer I been looking for.

I plan on posting two times a week – solidly and consistently. If I can get a third post in then great, if not the two posts that I do create are going to be fabulous content, great pictures and worthwhile reading. No more posting to post. But it will be consistent – same days, same times – this I can be pretty certain. Don’t get me wrong I will slip up here and there but overall I’m going with consistency and content. Tuesdays and Thursdays are going to be the days so make a note, add it to your google calendar or pencil it in your planner! You will not want to miss a post so make sure to subscribe to our emails in the top right corner.

Bring It 2017: Some Things Change, Some Stay The Same-outfit

{Photo by Paige Winn Photo}

Here are a some details that you can expect to see this year:

I am definitely going to continue the Home of the Month feature. It’s one of my favorite posts each month and you guys seem to enjoy it too.  Instead of Favorite Things Friday I plan on adding a monthly round up of my favorite things and/or I’ll share them on Facebook instead. Stay tuned for more details on that.

Bring It 2017: Some Things Change, Some Stay The Same-dress

{Photo by Paige Winn Photo}

I started my capsule wardrobe last year (you can read about it here and here) but as with a lot of the great things I started in 2016, I didn’t fully complete it. I’ll be continuing this journey and will probably incorporate it in with my fashion/outfit posts from time to time. I plan on sharing 1-2 fashion posts each month. Make sure to follow my Capsule Wardrobe Pinterest Board for more inspiration!

Bring It 2017: Some Things Change, Some Stay The Same-bar

{Photo by Paige Winn Photo}

The rest of the month will be filled with the usual DIY project, room makeover or whatever we have going on in the house. I’ll also include some roundups of home decor trends and inspiration and some design boards too. I’m working on the putting the finishing touches on the re-launch of my design business and hope to be offering some solid services soon. You’ll still see Roadtrip Reality posts, food and entertaining too!

Bring It 2017: Some Things Change, Some Stay The Same-travel

I am also going to re-dedicate myself to only working with brands that I truly love and think you’ll enjoy and love too! This of course has always been my philosophy but sometimes I find myself saying yes to certain things because I feel like I should or because I don’t want to let anyone down, it’s human nature, but that’s going to change as well. I will continue to work many of our amazing sponsors, Lowes, Diet Coke,  Better Homes & Gardens,Bed, Bath & Beyond, Wayfair, and Lucent Lightshop, just to name a few. 

Bring It 2017: Some Things Change, Some Stay The Same-lowes

And last but not least, I’m going to be more consistent on social media and YES I will be adding videos this year! I can understand if you’re calling my bluff because I think I’ve said this for the last two years but I promise I already have some in the works. There are a few new-to-me apps too that I’m trying out and I’m almost finished with a social media calendar that I’m happy with! See, it’s all about progress friends!

Soooo, basically what I’m saying is I want to take care of my home and family, excel at my day job, rock the socks off the blog, start a design biz, workout and eat right, and still have time to sit down with a glass of wine and watch some Netflix at night. That’s doable right?

Cheers to 2017!

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  1. I loved reading this! I’m so excited for you! I think some of us realize just how much time goes into posts/maintaining a site/being up on social media. It can be weary especially when you’re maintaining full-time work. 2 posts a week sounds perfect! And like you said, less is more and quality over quantity is always best! This was soooo refreshing, just what I needed to read today!

    2017 is going to be awesome!

    ps. I just adore your white christmas tree!!!

  2. Looking forward to another great year of Simple Stylings posts! I, also don’t sit down and write out specific goals or resolutions, but have a few similar ideas on how to take time for me and my family while still rocking out doing what I love! Cheers to 2017, Summer!

  3. Can’t wait to see the Crossfit post! I’m hoping I had something to do with getting you into it. XOXO

  4. I love this. I saw a stat recently that nearly all resolutions are forgotten or dropped throughout the year. So sad! I’m doing something similar, I’m setting open air goals – aka this year I’m focusing on living with more intention – being intentional with my time, sleep, money, etc.

    Can’t wait to see all of the amazing content you share here this year! It’s going to be a great one, I can feel it.

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