Simple Stylings Best of 2015
Happy New Year’s Eve Eve!!
When the year comes to an end I love taking a look back at some of my favorite posts (and yours)! Every year I remember thinking that I did way too much the year before and vow to slow down. That has never happened to date but I’ll say it again just to go on record! I’m slowing down (at least project-wise) in 2016! Promise. You believe me right?
Hands down the most grueling, yet rewarding, project of the year was our kitchen renovation! As tough as it was I can’t tell you how much it has changed our lives for the better!
One of your 2015 favorite posts was my parent’s lake house reveal! I’ll be reviving the Home of the Month series in 2016 so be on the lookout for that! I have a beautiful home to share with you in January!
One of the projects this year that got the biggest bang for the buck was my front porch makeover that I did for the One Room Challenge! I spent very little money on this makeover but it made a huge impact on our curb appeal! Would you believe I’m already thinking about a refresh!
I LOVED styling and photographing our bar cart alternative shelving in our dining room too! Oh how I still wish I had room for a real bar cart though!
Our faux fur coffee table was my favorite DIY of the year and it’s still holding up great!
The prettiest post of the year goes to our Friendsgiving thanks to the fabulous photography of Laura Sumrak. And no worries that the celebration ended in 4 stitches in my little man’s head due to some rough housing in the other room with his friends! He bounced back in a matter of hours and still went trick-or-treating that night :)
I loved Christmas decorating this year and I probably shared one too many posts on it but it was such a great time! We decorated early and enjoyed it all of it for two full months!
Your favorite fashion post was how to build complete outfits from Loft! Do you like posts like this that help you put together full outfit ideas or do you prefer fashion inspiration roundups?
This was my favorite outfit of the year! Mostly because it’s SO comfy and it’s definitely on heavy rotation in my closet. I’m thinking seriously though about going to a capsule or semi-capsule wardrobe this year. More to come on that this month!
This was one of my all-time favorite fashion (sort of) posts because I opened up about the blog and why I’ve enjoyed dipping my toes into the style scene this year!
{photo by Ariana Clare}
I would love to know what you guys liked from 2015 and what you want to see more or less of in new year! I’ll be announcing some exciting new content, projects and collaborations in January so make sure to stay up to date! You can subscribe to get my posts delivered to your email by signing up in the box at the top right corner of the page. Follow along on Instagram, Snapchat (simplestylings) and Pinterest too for more behind the blog fun!
I’m so very thankful for you guys! For your kindness and support! For making 2015 a really amazing year! And a big thanks to my collaborations and sponsors who’ve helped make many of these posts you read possible!
After today we’ll be talking lots of organization, goal setting and blog updates for 2016! Can’t wait!
Cheers to NYE!