
Kids Art Gift Tags

Merry Christmas Eve!

I just wanted to share a quick and cool DIY that I came up with the other day in case you are still wrapping tonight like I will be :)

I’ve seen so many unique gift tag ideas but I just don’t have enough time to spend on them.

The other day we were cleaning out the playroom to make room for Santa to come for a visit and I was trying to figure out what to do with my son’s stacks and stacks of artwork.

I think we finally decided to use an iPhone app that stores and categorizes pictures of the art so we can get rid of the actual art but we can scroll through the pictures any time we want. We will keep the special pieces of course.

Once we get the art organized I will post about the app and let you know if it is working for us.

While we were going through the art bin I had an idea that we could make some personalized gift tags out of all his art and it was super simple:

All you need is your child’s art work, laminating pouches (I bought them from Target), scissors, pen or Sharpie, hole punch and sting. We used twine that we had in the house to tie ours which went well with our faux tree wrapping paper :)


Next cut the artwork to size, place it in the pouch and remove the adhesive backing and seal it.


We wrote ‘to’ and ‘from’ messages on the back of the tags before we sealed them in the laminate pouches. Then I cut them down a little and punched a hole at the end.


Then I strung the twine through the hole and finished wrapping the package.



So, what do you think? Do you like the paper? It is pretty non-traditional but when I saw it at HomeGoods I had to have it.


Don’t worry, Santa’s paper is much more festive :)

I hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas Eve! We are hosting family tonight so I’ve got to hop up and get to it!



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