BSHT: Southern Summer Home Tour

BSHT: Southern Summer Home Tour

Welcome friends! This is such a great home tour week and I’m so excited to share how we spruce things up around here for the changing season!

But before we get started, if you’re hopping over from my friend Sarah’s home (Life on Virginia Street) I’m glad your here! Isn’t Sarah’s place to die for??? And a big thanks to Lindsay (The White Buffalo Styling Co.) our wonderful host for such a fun tour week! If you missed yesterday’s lineup you can start from Lindsay’s and catch up!

Now, come on in…

BSHT: Southern Summer Home Tour Hydrangeas

I love summertime and there’s nothing better than a clean house and fresh flowers! We have a huge hydrangea bush in our yard that was actually from the grocery store and I planted it in the yard a few years back It has grown quite large and it’s definitely one of the highlights of the season!

BSHT: Southern Summer Home Tour Sunburst

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This year the blooms are gorgeous and there are so many that we can share with our friends and neighbors! Our DIY faux fur coffee table is still one of my favorite projects of all time!

BSHT: Southern Summer Home Tour Living Room

We recently added the board and batten to the living room and it makes such a huge difference!

BSHT: Southern Summer Home Tour Rattan Cabinet

BSHT: Southern Summer Home Tour Banquette

I use these IKEA shelves as a bar cart alternative for small space living :)

BSHT: Southern Summer Home Tour Bar Cart


BSHT: Southern Summer Home Tour Bar


There’s just something about the crisp white that I love and I’m so glad we went with the white walls, shiplap and subway tile in our kitchen renovation! It feels like summertime!


BSHT: Southern Summer Home Tour shiplap

BSHT: Southern Summer Home Tour White Kitchen

We’ve got a lot of activities lined up here this summer and my little man already did this fun string art on the first day school let out that we picked up from the dollar section at Target!

BSHT: Southern Summer Home Tour Floating Shelves

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So, how do you guys change up your homes for summer or do forget about the house altogether? No judgement here lol!

Next up on the tour is the sweetest home of my friend Amber of Restless Arrow! I had the pleasure of meeting Amber in person on a recent road trip to Greenville and she is one of the most genuine people I’ve met! Her home is overflowing with love and it definitely comes across your computer screen so you will not want to miss it!

I’ll be sharing more of our outdoor spaces later in the week so make sure to stop back in! You can also subscribe to have my posts delivered to your email by signing up on the top right box under my photo!



Here is the full schedule:


The White Buffalo Styling Co.

Cuckoo for Design

Bliss at Home

Eclectically Vintage

Dimples and Tangles

A Designer at Home

Claire Brody

Julie Blanner


Nesting with Grace  

Place of My Taste

Our Storied Home

The Chronicles of Home

Life on Virginia Street

Simple Stylings

Restless Arrow


Inspired by Charm

Hunted Interior

Sarah M. Dorsey

Primitive & Proper

Swoon Worthy

Hi Sugarplum

Brittany Makes

Burlap & Lace


My Sweet Savannah

Jennifer Rizzo

Circa ‘34

StyleMutt Home

SG Style

Bright Green Door

A Creative Day Blog


Craftberry Bush

The House of Silver Lining

The Makerista


The Wicker House

My Fabuless Life

House of Hipsters

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  1. Summer, I love your bright and coastal home! It just screams summertime! Thanks for joining in friend :) Always such a pleasure to have you :)

  2. Your collectionary of dishes makes me want to toss everything and start anea. They’re gorgeous. I love the different wall treatments you’ve done. They make each room look so interesting. Gorgeous home <3

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