
DIY Modern Stump Side Table

DIY Modern Stump Side Table

DIY Modern Stump Side Table

DIY Modern Stump Side Table

You probably know that stump tables are all the rage right now and last year I stumbled across a nicely shaped stump in our neighborhood. I knew I would make a table out of it but I wanted to do something completely different to give it a modern edge. Check out how I painted my stump table and added these gold studs at eHow.com.




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    1. That’s so weird! I’m not sure what happened to the link. I’m trying to figure it out. What I did was let the stump dry out, then I did a lot of sanding with an electric sander. Once it was completely dry and smooth I used a wood sealer. Hope that helps!

  1. Wowzers! I have two stumps sitting in the garage “seasoning,” but this makes me want to get on this project this weekend. Super cute!

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