
DIY School Valentine Hearts

Snowmageddon is still going on here so I thought I would share with you a unique way little man’s school is celebrating Valentine’s Day.

The whole kindergarten experience in general has really been eye opening for me but we have been blessed with an amazing school and a team of incredible teachers.


Valentine’s Day is a big event at our school and they definitely buck the traditional superhero card with a lollipop system and frankly I love it!

Each student is required to come up with a two-sentence rhyming poem that describes something they like about each friend. Genius, right!

Well, halfway through the project (right before tearing my 107th hair out of my head) I felt like this was more of a project for me, not him, but then I saw the light. We were able to spend time together practicing reading, writing and being creative while talking positively about our classmates.

We started the project about a month before Valentine’s Day and it took a lot of time and work but it was worth it. And there is a special reading where they kids get to share their poems with each other that I can’t wait to attend.

To start our project we headed directly to Target’s dollar spot and picked up some foam hearts and pipe cleaners.



I thought the hearts would be perfect to write our poems on and we could punch a hole at the top and use the pipe cleaners as hangers.



Little man wrote each friend’s name down in his notebook and one or two words that he came up with to describe them. Then we started the tough job of coming up with our rhyming poems.

We had to google a few rhyming words but for the most part he came up with some really silly sweet poems on his own. I wrote them down in his notebook so he could see them, then he wrote each friend’s poem on the hearts.


The spacing proved pretty challenging but we got into a groove after awhile.

We finished the hearts off with the pipe cleaners and now they are ready to be delivered to friends.


I am not going to pretend that this wasn’t a tough project because it was. But I am so proud of the end result and I think little man is proud of it too!


It also gave me the opportunity to really evaluate where he is with his reading and writing and what we need to work on together.

The Valentine’s Day reading was supposed to be tomorrow but since we are going on day 3 of no school it will be on Monday. I hope to update this post with how that experience went.

Spoiler Alert: Mr. Hoover you are the best, you pass my test!

I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine’s Day and maybe this project will give you some inspiring ideas for your kiddos next year :)


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