
My Son’s New Closet Organizing System

My Son's New Closet Organizing System Big Boy Room

My Son’s New Closet Organizing System

Good morning friends! I hope your day is off to a great start!! Today is the day I get to reveal the new closet organizing system in my son’s room that has solved ALL of our clothing storage needs! When I heard about Modular Closets customizable closet systems I knew I had finally found a solution!

With 8 drawers, open shelves and 3 options for hanging clothes, I realized I could fit everything in the closet and use the space where his armoire had been for some desperately needed book storage!

Little man’s room is awkwardly shaped with two large windows that make it impossible to place furniture in any kind of symmetrical way. We’ve had the bed under the window, on either wall of the room and even caddy corner. It’s a small room which doesn’t help with furniture placement and once I upgraded him to a full-size bed the room felt cramped.

Now all of his clothes are in one place, they’re easy for him to access and we re-gained some much needed space.

My Son's New Closet Organizing System finished

Here is the wimpy wire shelving we had in the closet before. Raise your hand if you despise wire shelving as much as I do??? I’m mean who thought this was a good idea for closet storage? I get it, it’s probably super cheap but come on people. #peopleagainstwireshelvingunite

I got rid of the wire shelving in my closet a couple of years ago and I’m on a mission to get it out of every space in our home. Watch out laundry room, you’re next on the list!!

My Son's New Closet Organizing System before

The closet organizing systems from Modular Closets are customizable in that you give them the measurements for your space and all of their units can be mixed and matched to create the closet of your dreams without breaking the bank!

Once you measure and design your closet system, it arrives for you to assemble and install. That might seem daunting to some but I installed ours by myself in a matter of two days! And if I can do it, you certainly can too!

Before I started installation I had to remove the wire shelving and patch the holes. I also decided that I wanted to paint the closet a dark color so the white would pop and it would give the small closet a little character.

My Son's New Closet Organizing System prep

My Son's New Closet Organizing System patching

My Son's New Closet Organizing System paint

At some point during the process you know I had to take a few minutes out to purge and organize! Just a friendly tip, anytime you are working in a space for whatever reason take 30 minutes out to purge and re-organize! I’m mean look at all these clothes and half of them were dirty beyond repair or way too small!

My Son's New Closet Organizing System purge

My Son's New Closet Organizing System organize

Once the room was painted it was time to install! Here are a few tips to make the installation easier:

First assemble your customized units. For our needs I chose two drawer units, a tall hanging unit and a double hanging unit. These were a breeze to install with the instructions provided and I promise they are way easier to understand than any Ikea furniture I’ve ever assembled!

Now you’re ready to install! Here are the main tools you need for installation and one of the most important steps is to find the studs in the wall. Using a stud finder and tape or a pencil, mark the studs on the wall. It’s important to hit two studs especially for the base unit because you will build out from there.


When you’ve marked the studs MEASURE, MEASURE, MEASURE where you want your base unit to go. Keep in mind if you’re working in a tight closet like I was, make sure it is centered and you have room on each side for the hanging units. I may or may not have measured incorrectly the first time and had to re-hang my base unit :)

Next prop the base unit (in this case a 4-drawer unit) up to the correct height and make sure it’s level. You could use more professional tools to prop up your base but I like to use children’s chairs and stools :)

When the unit is level, take a scrap piece of wood (you can see below) and place it under the rear hanging rail and screw it into the studs. This will act as a support to hang the unit so that you can attach it to the wall without having to hold the weight of the unit itself.


After the base unit was secured, I placed the other drawer unit on top and secured it to the wall. Then I finished with the hanging units on either side. Mine was such a tight fit that I didn’t need a support for the other units, but you could add a scrap wood piece to each unit if you need the support.


Once the bones of the closet were installed I attached the hardware to the drawers and put them in place. Modular Closets did not skimp in the style department one bit! The glossy drawers and these bar pulls are gorgeous!



So here it is fully stocked!!! My son is able to access all of his folding clothes in the bottom four drawers. I keep his summer hanging shirts on the low bar and will swap it out with the winter hanging shirts above when the seasons change. I have his socks and underwear in the two blue bins that we picked up from HomeGoods. I love this because I can just toss them in and not worry about taking up drawer space.

I decided on drawers above because I didn’t want to see a lot of clutter on open shelves in his closet. I’m keeping his off-season folded clothes above and will swap them out when the time comes just like the hanging clothes.

The shelf above allows me room to store his suitcase and lacrosse bag out of the way and I’m also able to fit a laundry basket to the right and stash a stool on the left. There is also room to store extra towels on the shelf between the upper and lower hanging clothes.




I mean I just can’t even get over how sleek and organized it looks AND the fact that we don’t have to have another piece of furniture in here for clothes! I grin a little every time I walk in here. Now if I could only get him to put his shoes away and close the closet doors from time to time.

This system really has made all the difference in the world to us! The drawers glide in and out so easy which makes his daily life so much better. He can see everything and reach everything and I even have somewhere to keep off-season clothes.




Now we can rest easy in a clutter-free room and closet!



If you are in need of a closet organizing system or are just trying to figure out how to fix the storage problems in your home you need to check out Modular Closets! The customer service is top of the line and the closets are stylish and affordable! Goodbye wire shelves, hello affordable customized closet organizing system! I also just realized they have a door option creating a cabinet unit which may be perfect for my upcoming laundry room makeover!!!



*This is not a sponsored post but Modular Closets provided the product for our review. All thoughts, ideas and opinions are my own. 

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